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It. Is. Good.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Life is good. It is full. Completely and utterly full. It. Is. Good. 

This is my perspective today. 

Had I posted yesterday or last week, my post would probably have been something crabby. Just completely and utterly crabby. 

Because, basically I have figured out that crabby is what happens to a person when they become addicted to something and then don't get the "fix" they need. Apparently, my addiction is running. Well, that is the addiction that I wasn't getting last week. My Diet Mountain Dew addiction would have had a much more violent response, including something like, "Get the hell out of my face. My head hurts and I don't like anyone or anything at all." My lack of running had a much more passive reaction, but one that could not be ignored, especially by my poor husband who had to deal with me all week. :) 

As you can probably tell, tonight I ran. And I feel so much better having run. It was relaxing and enjoyable. It was therapy for an otherwise very busy week. It was worth the 45 minutes away from everyone and everything to be alone in my own little world. I felt guilty taking the time to run when so much needed to be done, but it helped. I actually have done everything I needed to do tonight and I have the energy to blog. So. Running = energy. The myth is true. Well, it's true for tonight, anyway! :) My ankle is feeling better. I just need to learn to be patient when my body needs to heal. 

In the meantime, while waiting for my ankle to heal, we didn't really slow down. We spent the weekend playing soccer with Jake, tailgating at the UK game, cleaning the house, cleaning the cars, grocery shopping, etc. And, I spent the better part of Sunday evening going through all of the Girl Scout stuff that needed to be done before our meeting on Monday. Let me just say, this is a lot of work. I don't know how teachers do all of the planning they do. My hat is off to every last one of you. Honestly. I just don't know how you do it day in and day out. I enjoy it, but it's not easy. It takes lots of thought and lots of time. And lots of creativity. 

As I was spending hours preparing for our meeting on Sunday evening, I was thinking, "Why did I sign up to do this?" After our meeting last night, I remembered. I spent an hour with 13 (of the 15 in our troop) amazing five-year old girls. They giggled. They sang. They painted. They acted silly. They smiled. They didn't want to leave. I giggled. I sang (horribly, but loudly in front of a group of people - karaoke, here I come). I cleaned up lots of paint. I sweated. I acted very silly. I smiled. I hugged little girls. I loved that they wanted to hug me. I loved watching my daughter smile. And, I remembered. This is why I signed up to do this. There is nothing better in the world than to see these little girls smiling and having fun... learning to play with one another, learning new skills, and learning to embrace one another's differences. I remembered why I became a mom and I remembered what kind of mom I want to be. I want to be the fun mom who hangs out with the girls and has a great time with them. I want them to know that adults value their thoughts and opinions - that they matter. In a nutshell, I just want to be my mom. :) I really was thinking that I had lost my mind when I signed up as the troop leader. BUT. Sometimes things work out. I have a feeling I will end up gaining a lot more from this than the kiddos. :)