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My UK football game experience..

Thursday, September 23, 2010
So, a few weeks ago, I posted about marking one thing off my list... going to a UK football game. You can read it here. :) 

As you will undoubtedly notice, I didn't tell you much about it. I guess because there's not a ton to say. It was great fun with great friends, food and drink. And, despite beating WKU pretty badly, it was a pretty decent game to watch. Well, OK... I like the close ones a little better, so I was ready to go by the end of the 3rd quarter. But, I'm happy that UK won, especially since it was my first game there! 

Anyway, I wanted to post some pics, since I've yet to do that. 

So, here you go. You can tell that we had a good time, especially Brad. lol. 

Seriously, our poor kids will have crow's feet... um about now. :) We both have them so bad... and gray hair, too. Boo. :)