Bailey and Jake both celebrated birthdays since my last blog. Bailey turned three on March 24 and Jake turned one on April 9. We had a pool party with a Finding Nemo theme at the Ashland YMCA to celebrate both of their birthdays together. It was a lot of fun, especially for Bailey since she enjoys swimming so much. It was bittersweet for me. I have watched Bailey grow up before my very eyes over the past year. She is honestly in the throes of becoming a big girl. I am thrilled that she doesn't wear diapers anymore and even more excited about her going to sleep without being held down. But, she also is now moving from being that sweet little baby to a little girl who will way too quickly start school and grow up. I guess it was just hard to look at her and realize that there are only two more years until she will start school and be gone. I realize that she won't be "gone," but it seems like once they hit that age, it flies by. Colt, my youngest brother, is now driving and dating, talking about college and careers. I can remember his first day of school like it was yesterday. I think that's what makes it even more difficult!
I also saw my little boy become a toddler. Jake began walking before he turned one and he has not slowed down since! Although he still wants his bottle and his mommy for most everything, he is more rowdy than ever and into everything he can find. He is still my little baby, but it blows my mind how fast the past year has gone... it seemed to go by even faster than Bailey's first year... which scares me just a little bit. :)
On each of their birthdays, Brad and I took them to Chuck E. Cheese's. They enjoyed it a lot... Bailey loves the slide (which is FREE!) and Jake loves the Bob the Builder dozer and the Teletubbies ride (thank God he doesn't want to watch Teletubbies though). Bailey was hilarious on her birthday... it evolved into a whole day of celebration. We made cupcakes and played whatever Bailey chose. She had recently gone to two birthday parties for her friends, Emma and Kaylee. Each of them had princess parties, in which Bailey and the other little girls dressed up in princess dresses. So, right as we were walking out of the door to go to Bailey's "party" at Chuck E. Cheese's, Bailey looked at me and said, "Hold on a second... I have to get something." She ran up the stairs, as quick as her little legs would take her. A few seconds later, she yells from the top of the stairs, "Where is my princess dress?!" I thought I would crack up. She completely associated her birthday with the princess dress. Thus, we arrived at Chuck E. Cheese's with our little princess.
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