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Just Call Me Snow White...

Thursday, July 14, 2011
... because tonight, I will have seven little dwarfs at the house. :)

That's right. Tonight is the first official Ooten sleepover night. Bailey is having three little girls over and Jake is having two little boys over for their first sleepover/slumber party. Hmm... what do YOU think will happen? I am guessing lots of sugar... lots of "I had it firsts" and "The boys won't leave us alone" and "NO boys allowed (followed by slammed door)" and "The boys aren't letting us be the princesses." :) It's going to be so much fun! :) Actually, I'm super-pumped. I know they are going to have so much fun. If only my camera was working. I guess the camera phone will have to do.

Seven kids.

Let's hope that I don't need a prince to revive me after this one. Although, I can imagine that sleep will be much needed this weekend!

Here's a good reason NOT to tell your kids that it is sleepover night. I've had these two little dwarfs on my heels all afternoon, asking, "When do they get here..." over and over. As you can see... they are excited. :)


  1. Snow White...AKA an amazing momma and friend. I've smiled at least 2 dozen times tonight thinking of what memories you are allowing those kids to make tonight. Makes my heart warm and sad at the same time. You all are a wonderful family and we're so blessed to have become such friends with you all. I am so glad that Jackson loves you all so much and you all him (and Carson) and all the rest of the group :). Thank you guys for being you!! (apparently I'm more of a sap than usual tonight :))