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Sleep... sleep... and sleep.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I'm sore. I'm on drugs. And I feel like I'm sleeping what is left of the summer away. :) It's actually really nice outside today. I'd love to be out running or walking or taking the kiddos to the park or doing anything outside. But... I'm about to crash out again. I just took my pain meds and they basically knock me on my butt. So... nap time in about 10 minutes. I just got out of bed about an hour ago. lol. I'm so glad Bailey is in school and Jake's at his grandparents' house. 

That's pretty much all I can post right now. Still not ready to get back into the full swing of things. I'm tired of feeling tired and tired of feeling sore, but it was expected, so I can't really complain. I have the best family and friends in the world. But I already knew that... :)

Back to sleep, I go. I'm hoping to be able to stop taking these pain meds soon and to feel more like a person again. Right now, I wander around the house holding onto my stomach, as if something is going to fall out of it all day. lol. And... to all you moms that had c-sections and then had to take care of your babies immediately after... You amaze me. You have my ultimate respect indefinitely. :) 

Ok... to sleep I go...