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Loving it...

Monday, June 7, 2010
Sometimes I could sit here and write for hours... never able to get it all out before I forget some portions of it. Those are the days that I have multiple posts and start drafts of posts that I sometimes, almost always, never finish. Then there are days like today... 

There are only so many ways to say I love summer. There are only a few things to say that will express how much I love it and I can only go on so long about how wonderful a cold, inviting pool is when the sun is hot and you have nothing that HAS to be done. Yes, I am ignoring the half-painted wall in the garage, the yard that could once again be mowed, the office/sewing room that looks like a cyclone named Andrea came in and ripped through it, and the piles of laundry that never go away. :) I'm talking about work that requires a deadline... 

So, we spent the entire day at the pool, after getting up at 9:30. Yes... finally the kids sleep in. :) We came home for lunch and for a little break so that Jake could make it through the day. Otherwise, we were there all day. It was so nice. Sorry for rubbing it in to all of you working folks... I'm not trying to be rude. :)